Monday, December 30, 2019

Marketing Proposal - 3230 Words

New†©York†©Fries†Ã¢â‚¬ ©Potato†© Noodle†© Table†©of†©Contents†© EXECUTIVE SUMMARY†© INTRODUCTION: THE COMPANY†© NEW PRODUCT IDEA CUSTOMER NEEDS AND WANTS TARGETED†©MARKET†©SEGMENT†© SWOT†©ANALYSIS†© BRANDING†©AND†©POSITIONING†© PRICING†© PROMOTION†© PLACE†©(MARKETING†©CHANNEL)†© APPENDIX†© 3†© 4†© 4 5 6†© 6†© 9†© 11†© 11†© 14†© 16†© 2†© EXECUTIVE SUMMARY New York Fries (NYF) is a Canadian franchise that specializes in potato, in particular French fries and hot dogs. There are few issues with the company itself, such as limited choices, limited access to the product. Our report analyzes the issues incorporated in NYF and recommend way to improve the situation. After evaluating the needs and wants of our existing and potential consumers, we†¦show more content†¦Also, we believe that potato made noodle is more filling, and will able to satisfy our consumers’ hunger during break time. In contrast to wants, products will only be successfully introduced if consumers are able to afford, thereby converting wants to demands. We believe our targeted customers, who are 5†© the white-collar working class, have the purchasing power to afford a bowl of potato noodle served by us. Targeted Market Segment In Hong Kong, we are targeting Asian who has tradition of eating delicious noodles. Our target customer group is aged from 20 to 45 years old, with a monthly income of $10,000 to $50,000. They are mainly the white-collars, who are in the working or middle class. They are status-oriented achievers and always demand for fashionable way of enjoying traditional foods. We target to serve our noodles as a quick lunch during the customers’ limited break-time. We believe the noodles will be beneficial to those who seek for high quality, healthy and fashionable fast food. Our target segment is relatively small but well defined at this stage in order to achieve greater market share at the introduction of our potato noodle. SWOT Analysis Strengths †¢ Since NYF has been specializing in potatoes for more than 20 years, this provides us sufficient resources and abilities to produce potato products. Also, we have a strong and effective supply network in both North America and Hong Kong, whichShow MoreRelatedMarketing Proposal : Marketing Plan1575 Words   |  7 PagesGreyston Bakery Marketing Proposal Executive Summary Marketing is a very crucial component of every business. The case study mentioned in this paper discusses a complex business structure, where the company’s goals are more concerned with community and environment sustainability. However, for the concerned company to achieve its goals, the Chief Executive Officer needs to improve its profitability without deviating from the core mission. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The New Hindu Arabic Numerals - 2106 Words

It is late at night, as two men huddle over their tables in 15th century Europe. The man with the quill pen finishes off his last numeral with a flourish, glancing briefly at the man a few feet away, furiously moving counters along a table. The first man has efficiently reached the correct answer with the new Hindu-Arabic numerals. He is the Algorist. The other man scrambles to finish gliding the counters, nervously glimpsing the Algorist’s completed work, he is the Abacist. Lady Arithmetica towers over the two and it is evident who is winning the race. Her clothes are covered with the Hindu-Arabic numerals and she looks approvingly upon the Algorist’s effortless calculations. The Algorist triumphs over the Abacist in the debate over which technique is better, apparent in the Abacist’s worried expression and the Algorist’s smug smile as the dominance of the abacus slips away. This illustration from Margarita philosophica, published in 1503 by Gregor Reisch captures the great feud between users of the abacus and the users of the new Hindu-Arabic numerals introduced in the 12th century. The debate highlighted the tendency of humans to strive for efficiency and new, more â€Å"advanced† technology like the algorithms of numerals over older, reliable technologies such as the abacus. The word ‘abacus’ encompasses all of the counting devices that humans around the world have created since the Babylonians began writing with dust, as early as 2400 BCE, in an attempt to make everydayShow MoreRelatedAnnual Islamic Symposium On The Arts And Sciences1042 Words   |  5 PagesSiddarth Kumar H Block Mathematics News Article Annual Islamic Symposium on The Arts and Sciences Inside Dover-Sherborn Regional High School In Room 214 the Annual Islamic Symposium on The Arts and Sciences has just concluded. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Religion, Morality, and the Good Life Free Essays

Religion, Morality, and the Good Life Does morality depend on religion? Many believe the fundamental aspects of morality and religion join to form the basis on how one chooses to live their life. Some would define morality as a system we humans use to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Morality could derive from a number of different factors including, religion, culture, and upbringing. We will write a custom essay sample on Religion, Morality, and the Good Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Those that believe that morality derives from religion or God’s commands trust in the Divine Command Theory. The Divine Command Theory is the idea that morality is dependent on God; that one’s moral obligation be determined by their obedience to God’s commands. This theory has been and probably will continue to be controversial to many. Morality must have a purely secular foundation. Although religion might not be the concrete basis for morality, it is certain that religion is needed sometime when dealing with specific aspects of morality. There are 2 types of morality, justified and unjustified. Justified morality is common sense and does not require intense interpretation. For example, â€Å"Do not steal† is a justified moral command because when one steals they are bringing evil to someone and that is immoral. Unjustified morals are much harder to find reason for than justified morals which can be easily justified by common knowledge. â€Å"Do not have sex before marriage,† is an example of an unjustified morality. It is difficult to explain why doing the act is immoral. This moral standard is irrational in that there is no reasonable answer why one should not do this act in order to remain moral. Religion comes in handy when dealing with grey areas of morality. Those grey areas are known as the unjustified moral commands or unjustified morality. Given the example for an unjustified moral command, one could answer the question â€Å"Why should I not do this in order to remain moral,† by saying it is immoral to have sex before marriage because God commanded us not to because he will punish one who does not follow his commandments. There is no central harm because if this action but one’s self-interest or fear of God’s wrath will keep one from committing this immoral act. The use of God and religion to justify these issues is only useful when dealing with a God-fearing and moral person. Although using religion with morality, in this case, may cause one to agree that morality needs religion and that the Divine Command Theory explains why, it does not justify that religion is the basis for morality. Are right and wrong actions commanded by God? The Divine Command Theory states that good and bad are created by God, not by humans. It has been illustrated that the Divine Command Theory cannot be logically true. The Divine Command Theory states that if God commands â€Å"A,† his commands by itself are sufficient to make â€Å"A† good. â€Å"A is good† just means â€Å"A is commanded by God. † God’s commands are good simply because God commands it. If there were no God, or if God did not issue any commands, then there would be no such thing as moral right or wrong. However, if actions are good on their own without influence from God, then the Divine Command Theory is false because it is naturally commanded that we do things which are good and avoid those in which we know to be wrong. One’s belief in the existence of a god or gods may cause one to believe that morality assumes God’s existence. Their beliefs seem to give their lives purpose and clear understanding. In Genesis 1:27 it says, â€Å"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. † (NIV) According to Christianity, God created us in his likeness as to fulfill the plan or purpose that he had intended for us. With this idea, the Catholic Church developed the concept of natural law. This natural law concept stated that by working out what one’s purpose is, we will be able to see how we should act and/or behave; it would be apparent in the way in which we have been designed. Within the Catholic Church, the Pope’s condemnation of homosexuality is an example of the natural law theory at work. The natural result to sex is conception, and any other sexual act that is not available to this possibility would be an immoral rejection to the plan God had intended for them. It is obvious that this natural law approach to ethics can cause controversy. It might be perceived as a poor imitation of morality in that it fails to provide justification for many basic moral principles. The supposed link between God and morality provides the idea because God is omnipotent and our creator; we have an obligation to obey his commands. With him being our creator, we owe him our existence. Many ask the obvious question, â€Å"Why do we have this obligation? † Although this view has not stood up to reflection, people once believed that children owed the act of obedience to their parents only because children depended on their parents. This view is remarkably similar to the reasoning given for feudalism. In feudalism, in exchange for the protection of the lord, the vassal would give some sort of service to the lord. The obligation between the lord and the vassal regarding the fief or land forms the basis of the feudal relationship. The weakness in this political system was that the vassals never agreed to this plan. By answering the above question in saying that our obligation to obey God’s command is because obedience is morally right, the assumption has been made that morality exists independently of God. Why things are right in the first place is justified and explained by the Divine Command Theory. The Divine Command Theory shows an apparent resemblance to the natural law approach as discussed just before. Rather than focusing on features of his assumed creation as with the natural law theory, the Divine Command Theory implicates a focus on God’s orders. An obvious example of God’s orders would be the Ten Commandments. The most common objection to this approach is that it makes morality seem somewhat subjective. It implies the theoretical likelihood of rape being right simply because God commands this. Some may say that God would never command such an act as rape. God has not, in fact, commanded that rape is good. Assuming that the Divine Command Theory is, in fact, true, it would see God’s goodness in that he will not do anything wrong. But it does not follow that he won’t be unjust or cruel. As long as he is not violating any of his commands, no matter what God does, he will not be doing anything wrong. God is omniscient and morally perfect. Surely this gives us exact reason to why we ought to obey his commands. God’s moral perfection, after all, guarantees that he will issue only those commands that he thinks are right. His overall insight and expertise assures that he will never be wrong in what he believes is right to command of us. It sees God as the highest possible moral guide, giving us reason to always obey his commands. Although this is correct, it does not support the Divine Command Theory. To argue this point is to assume that the greater moral quality is dependent of God’s will, in which the basis for what he commands is. Some thinkers like Immanuel Kant and John Newman, just to name a few, have argued that a sense of conscience is evidence of God. With morality and religion being independent of one another, the independence is considered to be compatible with the existence of God. If we accept that the existence of conscience assumes a being to whom we owe responsibility, God would seem like the only candidate. He is the only person with omnipotent power to see and judge our every action. Newman furthered this thought by asking why people would feel guilty if they did not think they were being watched. In conclusion, there is something wrong with every way of linking morality to religion. I am not claiming that religion cannot have things to say about morality or that it is incapable of helping people do what is morally right. Instead, my claim is that ethics is enhanced with a religiously neutral foundation. Religion can be defined a set of practices independent of a belief system. Religion is the way in which you worship. Some people have participated in religious worship for a while without giving a great deal of thought to a belief system. Morality can be based on religion, but it also can be independent of one’s religion or faith. Although it is possible to hold a religion and not hold to any strong moral principles and vice versa for holding just moral principles, many people hold religious and moral principles. As with Christianity, religion is doing what you are told to do regardless of what is right, and morality is doing what is right regardless of what you are told to do. Although morality and religion are used at times to justify one another, they are not dependent of one another. . Works Cited â€Å"Genesis 1 NIV – The Beginning – In the beginning God – Bible †¦ † Bible Gateway. Web. 15 Apr. 2013 http://www. biblegateway. com/passage/? search=genesis+1version=NIV. â€Å"The Internet Classics Archive | Euthyphro by Plato. † The Euthyphro. N. p. , n. d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013 How to cite Religion, Morality, and the Good Life, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bipolar disorders Essay Example For Students

Bipolar disorders Essay The phenomenon of bipolar affective disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century.History has shown that this affliction can appear in almost anyone. Even the great painterVincent Van Gogh is believed to have had bipolar disorder. It is clear that in our society many people live with bipolar disorder; however, despite the abundance of people suffering from the it, we are still waiting for definite explanations for the causes and cure.The one fact of which we are painfully aware is that bipolar disorder severely undermines its victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success. Because bipolardisorder has such debilitating symptoms, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in the quest for explanations of its causes and treatment. Affective disorders are characterized by a smorgasbord of symptoms that can be broken into manic and depressive episodes. The depressive episodes are characterized by intense feelings of sadness and despair that can become feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Some of the symptoms of a depressive episode include anhedonia, disturbances in sleep and appetite, psycomoter retardation, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, difficulty thinking, indecision, and recurrent thoughts of death and suicide (Hollandsworth, Jr. 1990 ). The manic episodes are characterized by elevated or irritable mood, increased energy, decreased need for sleep, poor judgment and insight, and often reckless or irresponsible behavior (Hollandsworth, Jr. A bad attitude can be an after effect of these early life traumas and abuses. An example of this is Lauren: at four years old she had been chained to a car door and while chained was attempting to care for her younger brother who was then two years old. Her mother, a cocaine abuser, had not tended to the children in several days. Various family members undertook the task of caring for her, but her forceful and unmanageable tendencies wore them down and they were forced to pass her on to another relative. Mood swings are also common among those suffering from bipolar disorder. These are more drastic than those normal people experience. Normal teenagers have mood swings quite frequently; the causes can range from trouble with family, friends and boy or girl friends. These things can also cause mood swings of those suffering from manic depression, however, on a very different scale. Problems are amplified and often the beginning signs are withdrawal from family and friends, sleeping more, and trouble in school. Spotting the difference between mood swings that need to be taken seriously can be a life-altering decision made by a professional. Treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy can improve the mental state of those with this disorder. There are many signs of the manic stage of bipolar disorder. Some of these are apparent and, on the other hand, many are discreet. An increased energy, activity and restlessness occur, along with racing thoughts and rapid talking. A person experiencing mania has an excessive high, or euphoric outlook on life, and an unrealistic belief in their own abilities and powers. This person may also have a decreased need for sleep. Many times a person in the manic stage is extremely irritable and easily distracted. This person shows uncharacteristically poor judgement and a sustained period of behavior that is different from their usual self. A manic person, along with all of these experiences an increase in sexual drive, abuse of drugs (particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications), aggressive behavior, and a denial that anything is wrong. These can all be serous signs of a problem and could possibly be life threatening. There are also many signs of depression that can be looked for. These can include a persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood, with feelings that one is hopeless. A depressed person feels restless and irritable, and is plagued by a constant feeling of fatigue. Depression makes it difficult to concentrate on and remember things, thus making decision making a difficult process. Military Organizational Structure Essay A person in this state may also feel as if they are worthless and helpless. A loss of interest in pleasurable activities occurs, this can also include sex. Depression can also lead to loss of appetite and weight, however sometimes it can lead to weight gain, and can lead to chronic pain and bodily symptoms not associated with a physical disease. A very unfortunate sign of depression can be suicidal thoughts, and sometimes these lead to suicidal attempts. It is very important that these signs be recognized. .